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The Best Way to Get in Shape for Gay Men Over 25

Stop Dabbling And Achieve Permanent Change With Keegan’s ‘PTIQ’ System, Using Techniques The Most Respected Athletes In The World Swear By.


Unlike personal trainers and nutritionists, I take a more planned, monitored, holistic and supportive approach. You get training, mindset and nutrition all combined together so you know exactly what to do to get your ideal body back while also having the flexibility to accommodate your lifestyle.

Wholistic, Planned Approach

You’ll develop a sustainable workout routine, which balances muscle growth and creating a calorie deficit with enhancing your aerobic capacity. Plus, a program which ensures variety (even if you don’t have any equipment) so you don’t struggle with motivation. 

Shapes Your Mindset

 The ‘inner game’ is half the battle, as almost everyone fails outside of the gym. You’ll be given the tools to remove your self-defeating mentality, and find the motivation, self belief and confidence within you. More importantly, you’ll end up happy with your physique and draw out the ‘champion mindset’ to get fit and enjoy training again. Read More

Community Focussed

You’ll get set up in a routine where you plan your meals and control your calories without worrying too much or being obsessed with weighing food – because you’re eating enough to feel satisfied and still cutting fat.

Get Coached by the First British Rugby League Player to Come Out as Gay

If anyone understands the pressures of being gay, it’s Keegan. He was previously married with children, and knows exactly what it’s like to come out in the public eye.

What’s more, he hasn’t always been in the best shape, so he knows what it’s like to be perceived as ‘less than’ if you don’t have a perfect bodybuilders body.

Not only has he personally conquered these demons you face as a gay man, the coaching skills he’s learnt as an elite athlete will upgrade your mindset.

Keegan’s “Coming Out” Battle Scars

Keegan Hirst grew up in a town where nobody was gay.

He tried to bury it. He tried to hide and deny it. And he tried to distract himself by working, training, drugs and drinking - anything not to have to spend time in his own head.

Even after becoming an elite rugby player and being perceived as ‘having it all’ from the outside, he was in a constant tug-of-war between who he was supposed to be and who he actually was.

He even considered taking his own life, only to have his kids save him from himself. Watch Keegan’s remarkable journey of coming out…


Applying Rugby League Mindset to Master ‘Body

With 326 career appearances for Hunslet, Dewsbury, Batley, Featherstone, Wakefield and Halifax, Keegan Hirst has moved onto the next chapter of his life and is now using the coaches eye for detail, high standards and mindset he developed as an elite athlete to support LGBTQ people to master their mindset and get into better shape.

Hirst is known for speaking about living according to your values and doing what’s important to you. After completing his career, he was committed to using his skills to make a difference.

“With one in three LGBTQ people having experienced suicidal thoughts over body image according to the Mental Health Foundation and a study conducted by YouGov, 53% saying they felt anxious and 56% depressed compared to just 33% who are straight I knew this was my mission after rugby”


From Fat Kid to Abercrombie and Fitch Model

Despite growing up as a fat kid in Batley, West Yorkshire, Keegan was recently featured as a model amongst 24 athletes, performers, activists and entrepreneurs including Megan Rapinoe, Gus Kenworthy, NBA’s Kyle Kuzma in the brand’s ‘Face Your Fierce’ campaign. The brand’s values align with his, as they’re about moving to a world of belonging rather than fitting in. According to Kristin Scott, President, Global Brands at Abercrombie & Fitch Co... “Our goal is to inspire our customers to feel confident, be comfortable and face their Fierce. Face Your Fierce speaks to our values of authenticity, self-love, perseverance, and ultimately, the countless expressions of Fierceness our customers embody.” Click Here to Face Your Fierce, and Win Your Old Body Back



No-Nonsense Accountability & Support

There’s never any pussy-footing about, we get right to the point.

At the end of each coaching call, you’ll know exactly what to do.

Keegan is direct. He pulls no punches, takes no shit or excuses, and will push you to keep going because he cares about seeing you hit your goals.

And while you’ll get a wealth of information and resources within “the Lab” including over XX videos to watch and learn, this isn’t a “here are the resources, good luck” scenario.

He’s extremely hands on, and you also get access to the PTIQ community on Facebook where you can connect with similar minded people going through the same journey.


Stop Dabbling - Finally a System that Works

Have you tried many different ways to change your body and mindset, dipping in and out of different techniques, but nothing seems to work?

PTIQ provides a set program that puts everything together, including training, nutrition, mindset, and every aspect of well-being...

So you can overcome the lack of direction, get the tools to learn where you’re going wrong, stop yo-yo dieting, and make the changes permanently... so they stick!


A Flexible Nutrition Plan

As an athlete, I was constantly exposed to alcohol, take outs and an ever changing schedule. Plus I really loved to party.

HSo I’m not going to hand you a constricted diet or “menu” to follow where you always have to have those items in the kitchen, and the time to cook, AND hope you like the food enough to stick with it.

Nor am I going to confuse you…

Instead, you’ll get a flexible approach which makes it easy to meal plan and prep, balance the nutrition (carbs, protein, etc) and develop a change of lifestyle which makes those excess pounds disappear.


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to begin your journey with me and get in the best shape of your life.

  1. Fill out the application form below. Then click submit.
  2. Once you’ve submitted your form you’ll be redirected to another page where you will have the opportunity to book a 30-min strategy call with me.
  3. On the call we’ll assess where you are now versus where you want to be. I’ll take notes and put together a personal plan of action for you. If I can help you, I’ll give you the opportunity to come under my wing and join my coaching team. If I can’t help you, I’ll refer you to someone who can.

Free report: Drop 5 Kilos in 4 Weeks, the Pro-Rugby Approach

Discover how I shaped up before pre-season by training SMART instead of HARD in this free guide:

  • A simple 2-minute calculation which identifies exactly how much to eat per day
  • The best app to ensure you never overeat (download it today, takes just seconds)
  • Step-by-step, exactly what exercises to do over the next 4 weeks
  • The only two supplements you’ll ever need (and 5 supplements to steer clear of, designed by companies trying to make easy money out of you)

Get Into the shape of your life

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